Sunday, January 18, 2009

Being Stubborn!

Stubborn!! Ziddi!!

What impression about a person do these words give? How do people react when they are called stubborn?

If some one told you that person ‘X’ was stubborn... it fashions a negative impact.

If you call someone stubborn, they generally would get defensive about it. Is being stubborn so bad?

Well recently I’ve seen the other side of the world to this word!

This is how dictionary defines stubborn:

  1. Unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving
  2. Fixed or set in purpose or opinion; resolute
  3. Obstinately maintained, as a course of action: a stubborn resistance.
  4. difficult to manage or suppress
  5. Hard, tough, or stiff, as stone or wood; difficult to shape or work.
  6. Characterized by inflexible persistence or an unyielding attitude; inflexibly persisted in or carried out
  7. Not easily controlled or overcome

Can being inflexible, unreasonably obstinate or rigid be any good?

I say it can. But indeed it needs a second thought!

Until now, I must admit I’d give my nose a little twitch, when some one was described stubborn. My friends on the other hand would make a small sad face when called stubborn.

Lately however, it has dawned to me... that being stubborn can actually be a blessing. At times when life is tough, the stubborn get going!

Yes, we all face problems in our lives and we all crib and cry about them, but I’ve known a few brave souls, who after facing hardships and series of tragedies in their lives keep up a smiling face and keep moving on! They are obstinate in keeping their stand to face no matter what destiny throws at them. It was a 360° turn in my thought process. This was something that touched my core, the foundation of my being.

This was something to be admired, something to learn!

I dropped worrying about my problems, and decided to move on!

Instead of cribbing and complaining about the minuscule problems in our lives, try to face them, solve them, forget about them and move on!

Well, stopping the cribbing didn’t really stop me from thinking, why did good people go through bad times? After a lot of brainstorming, I finally came to a conclusion based on feedback and experiences.

Let me share it here…

A person though being very good might lack something being human. Well, this is God’s way of training you and teaching you how to deal with tough times! So that next time you are prepared.

‘Life is like an exam, it tests you and it trains you.’

Bhagwat Gita says “Whatever happens always happens for good!” ; Yes I agree. At times it might seem to be an endless road of hardships and no good might seem to come... but in the end you will realize that it was all worth it! All you need to do is believe in yourself.

Through this post I salute the spirit of few of my brave friends who have stood stubbornly through the worst and (In continuation with the previous post...) with a promise... that I’d try and be your guardian angel… and be there just a call away…whenever you need me!

A quote from Robert Frost before I end this:

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.”

This poem is a fine example of being stubborn, and continuing with life no matter how many hardships cross your way and how easy death may seem.

Let me elaborate the above four lines in the poem.

At times although death, the dark and deep woods covered in snow, would seem be an answer to problems; it's not the answer. We have promises to keep, things to do. There is actually a connection to the life; though at times when problems seem insurmountable; we want to ax it, and therefore the journey must go on. There are many things still undone. Many miles to go before we sleep.

There is just one life time... and there are miles to go! So put on that armor a brave stubborn smile and get ready to face ‘THE UNPREDICTABLE LIFE’!


Anonymous said...

The word stubborn can never be taken as positive quality. We are confusing courage with stubborness!
It is through inner courage and faith that we overcome difficult situations in Life. Change is the law of nature! If we are adamant and stubborn we will never grow...
Another word we are confusing here is determination. Being determined and being stubborn is like vector and scalar quantity! Velocity with direction ...thats what we require in life...Hence we should be determined and courageous and not stubborn! Lets not justify our weakness! Refer to Bhagvadgita 16th chapter which describes asura qualities...So they speak
Darkened by ignorance; and so they fall-
Tossed to and fro with projects, tricked, and bound
In net of black delusion, lost in lusts-
Down to foul Naraka. Conceited, fond,
Stubborn and proud, dead-drunken with the wine
Of wealth, and reckless, all their offerings
Have but a show of reverence, being not made
In piety of ancient faith....

Anonymous said...

well its a good blog, but u know stubborn are don't have a good image in the society. and also the word stubborn is not a compliment.

Scotty be good said...

I beg to disagree w/ Abhishek. First of all, how you react to the word stubborn depends on what the context maybe. Second of all, one is more or less likely to be stubborn depending on what stage of life they're in. Most people who are really stubborn when they are younger, tend to go 180 degrees on the spectrum when they have kids and stuff.

All in all, someone must have called you stubborn, because I wrote something like this on my blog 5 years ago when someone called me stubborn.

