Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Poems by Me...

It’s been a while now... And even though everyone has encouraged me to keep writing I've to be honest and say I’ vent found time yet to sit in leisure and enjoy it...
Anyways... I did however manage to scribble out a few tit-bits... so let me share them with you here...

Life they say... can never be full of happiness...
But yes... It can be full of misery...
Coz.. When happiness finally appears...
In tiny shimmering droplets...
You realize how precious it is...
Before they fade away.......!!!

Miles sweep by...
Time goes by...
Yet stands so still..
Outside the window I see..
Stars shine down...
On a no Moon night..
Like a nymph in the night..
For You this I write...
Just to wish you...
A lovely Good Night!!!
That's all for now...
But with a promise I leave... that there shall be more.. Hopefully soon they seem!! ;-)